
Understanding the Traditional Pre Fight Ritual: Wai Khru Rum Muay

Some might say that it is a dance or performance, but actually, Wai Khru Ram Muay is a ritual through which the fighters pay respect to their gods ...

Muay Thai Outfit and Equipment

When it comes to Muay Thai training, preparing your outfit and equipment is essential.  Muay Thai outfit and equipment have developed over the year...

Muay Thai and Its History

Muay Thai has a strong reputation for its strong connection with the Thai tradition over centuries. In the mid-16th century, Muay Thai became more ...

Muay Thai for Women: #GirlBoss Attitude Could Start Here

Muay Thai is not just for tough-looking muscular fighters, known for their tough skin and ability to ignore pain and injuries. In fact, Muay Thai i...

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